Three weeks into our ring confidence course and a week out from Christmas...where on earth did the last couple of months go?? In fact where has 2014 gone...
So I did manage to get a gold spot in the Ring Confidence course. It really is a serious adrenaline rush waiting for the clock to hit the course opening time and then banging away on the refresh button! Just unfortunately that it's always some ridiculous hour of the morning. The course has been a lot of fun so far and everything is broken into itty bitty pieces that are really easy to manage. In three weeks Cassie has gone from seeing ring ropes and shutting down/trying to avoid, to seeing ring ropes and dragging me into the ring. It's hard to believe that she's the same dog. I'm very fortunate that Cassie is so high drive and will do a lot of things for food and toys. It has made it much less challenging. But being given the right exercises broken down into the right pieces and then putting together is making all the difference. With how well she is going, getting her back into the ring actually feels like it might happen.
What I find even more exciting is that after working through the I'm Just Little and now the Confidence Building course Cassie is just different in general. It's a bit hard to describe, but it's like she's lost the suspicion about what is about to happen. Because the pressure is off she obviously feels less concerned and is far keener to engage. She still takes her toy into the tunnel from time to time but as she learns that it doesn't matter and I'm not going to make her do anything she wants to come back and she wants to engage me. She is now more often than not the one who is initiating the work. I've had nights after work when I hadn't planned on doing any training with her and she has hassled me constantly until I've caved in and taken her out to do something. I feel like I finally "get" my dog.